For new patients, we schedule a series of four visits
The first visit typically consists of an in-depth interview to determine current developmental concerns, past history, and family history. There may be preliminary developmental testing and a physical examination. This visit allows the doctor time to get to know and observe your child. Please set aside 60 to 80 minutes for this visit.
Before the first visit, please be sure to use this secure link to send any previous reports (neuropsychology, school, IEP, current report card, etc.) that you think may be useful. Dr. Gershon always try to form her own opinion, but that does not necessarily mean trying to revisit a 3 month old diagnosis if that appears right to parents.
At the second visit, the doctor will take time to get to know your child through interaction and observation. This is also a chance for your child to get comfortable with the doctor, and to realize that the visit does not involve any shots or other scary events. There may be preliminary developmental testing and a physical examination. Please set aside 45 minutes for this visit.
Your child’s third visit typically consists of direct neuro-developmental assessment and observation using standardized assessment methods. This is not the same testing provided by schools for a school-based evaluation and it is not a Neuropsychological Evaluation. Either of these may be recommended, depending on the the doctor’s findings. Please set aside 90 minutes for this visit.
A fourth visit, without children present, allows the doctor to share her findings with you, make recommendations, and answer questions. Please set aside 45 minutes for this visit.
Following these visits, the doctor will send a summary letter to you and to your child’s pediatrician.
What do I tell my young child about their upcoming visit?
Before the first visit
A day or two prior to the visit, Dr. Gershon recommends having a conversation with your child, telling your child something like this:
Tomorrow, you are going to go to a clinic and meet a new doctor names Dr. Gershon. Dr. Gershon is a different kind of doctor who does not look inside kids’ ears and does not do shots. Her office is in a big old yellow house with lots of trees outside. Inside, there are lots of toys and books. There are lots of windows if you want to look outside. She will probably want to see you do puzzles and games and play with you. She will ask you questions about what it is like for you at your school, what you like to do for fun, what you think is annoying or bothers you and other questions to get to know you. She might see how big you have grown and listen with her stethoscope to hear your heart go “lub-dub”. You can ask Dr. Gershon questions too and tell her about any problems you want to share with her.
Lots of kids go see Dr. Gershon to learn about ways to feel better, do better in school, and have more fun.
What if my child (age 6 to 12 or so) gets upset when we talk about their his / her difficulties?
If a child is already sensitive about hearing about their behaviors, Dr. Gershon suggests that she have the initial discussion without your child present at all during the bulk of the first visit.
Should my toddler or preschooler be present at the initial visit?
Yes, please! It is very helpful for Dr. Gershon to see your child in the background, playing with toys and interacting with you. If your child is old enough, it is also helpful for her to interact with her / him a little.
Driving directions
Preparing for your visit
Cancellation and payment policy