How to view and pay your bill in Patient Ally

This guide will help you view and pay your bill in Patient Ally. It shows the process on a larger screen such as a desktop, laptop, or tablet. Please note that all billing issues are handled through Patient Ally, not through Patient Gateway.

Login to Patient Ally (click here for a guide to getting started with Patient Ally).
Click or tap the “Click to View” link in the Bill Pay section.
Click or tap the outstanding balance.
The “Charge” column lists the price we charged for each procedure or service.
The “Ins. Paid” column lists the amount your health insurance paid us (reminder: we bill insurance directly only for insurance companies where we are “in-network”).
The “Pat. Paid” column lists any payment we already received from you, usually a co-pay charged at the time of your visit.
The “Adj.” column lists any discount applied to our charges as negotiated between us and your insurance company.
The “Balance” column lists your balance remaining for each charge.
Click or tap the green circle to start a credit card payment.
Review then Click or tap the “Next” button.
Enter credit card details and click or tap the “Submit”.